Sunday, January 13, 2013

Whoever you are

This space of the world is for the brokenhearted

my mission is to inspire and remind you, whoever you are that you are precious

This space of the world is for the ones who got it all wrong

my transparency is to show you that I did too

This space of the world is for the ones who feel alone, scared, and filled with anxiety

my story is not far from yours

This space of the world is to welcome you, whoever you are with open arms

If my words could reach out from this very space to meet with you they would be a warm smile and arms stretched open to embrace you in a bear hug

I was taught about the nearness of love when I was at my worst

I was shown the way out of the pit to solid ground

Most of all I was embraced for who I was no matter where I came from

The grace I received is the light I hope is found in this little space of the world for you, whoever you are.


  1. Beautiful words. Thank you so much for sharing. and beautiful picture too!

    Have a great week!

    Happy Monday!


  2. What a great post!! Thank you for sharing!! <3

